Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Road to Championship Nutrition

Numerous studies and surveys of college, professional, and high school athletes show if athletes could increase their knowledge in one area to improve performance it would be nutrition. This blog is designed for high school students looking to improve their performance and quality of life through nutrition. It incorporates some of the most recent, useable research along with the student athlete friendly advice of Florida State Univeristy Sports Dietitian Laurel Tomko.

Following these guidelines will help you stay energized during exercise, enhance recovery between workouts and games. Provide assistance in maintaining a health body composition.

5 Nutrition Habits of Champions

1. Hydrate


3. Eat a regular intervals

4. Choose a varied and balanced diet

5.Meet your energy needs

Basal and Active Metabolic Rates

Basal Metabolic Rate is the minimum number of calories needed to sustain life in a resting individual. It is dependant on many things as is your actibe metabolic rate follow this link to explore each of those and the second link to discover your basal and actice metabolicc rates!

Now it is time to improve your nutritional habits, complete this check sheet.

___ I ate breakfast

___ I ate 3 balanced meals

___ I ate 2-3 nutrious snacks

___ I ate 2-3 peices of fruit.

___ I ate 3-5 servings of late fate dairy products.

___ Iate a lean source of protein in each meal.

___ I ate a source of carbohydrates in meals and snacks

___ I selected foods moderate or low in fat.

___ I drank water regularly throughout the day (80 0z).

___ I drank Gatorade following intense exercise.

___ I refueled within 45 minutes following a workout.

___ I took a multivitamin.

Using what you have learned about your metabolic rates and nutritional habits from the daily check sheets read the follwing educational material from Florida State Sports Nutritionist Laurel Tomko then reply (comment) on the response question to improve your own nutrition I.Q. , level and performance. Reply on this blog by signing in using or signing up for a g-mail account.



Response Questions:

1. Were you suprised by your basal metabolic rate and the difference between that and your active metabolic rate? why or why not?

2. Which point or points on the daily check list was most helpful to you? why?

3.What is one thing you will do to improve your nutrition?